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Real Time Transit Information (RTTI)

The Real Time Transit Information Open API is a read-only REST (Representational State Transfer) API.

  1. The API default is to return XML data, however, it can return JSON if the content-type: application/JSON or accept: application/JSON is set in the http request header.

  2. The API will require a unique API key to request for data.

  3. The API key will authorize to offer a maximum of 1,000 requests per day for use of the Data. This is to prevent malicious users from abusing our service. This might change and is open for discussion.

  4. The API will provide services for Stops, Buses, Stop Estimates, and Route details.

  5. Route url site will be

Query Types and Parameters

There are two main types of queries, ID queries and Filter queries.

ID Queries

ID queries return a single result. They specify the ID of the desired resource.


Filter Queries

Filter queries specify the results by passing in URL parameters. You can, for example, filter bus results according to a given stop number and route number. E.g.[APIKey]&lat=49.187706&long=-122.850060

Mandatory Parameter

The API key (apikey) is a mandatory parameter that is required in every request. Failure to provide a valid or active API key will result in a 403 HTTP response.

XML or JSON Specification

You can choose to either have the result set delivered as XML or JSON. This is done by specifying the "content-type" or "accept" in the http header as "application/XML" or "application/JSON". If this is left out of the http request, the result set will return XML.

RTTI API Reference

Quick links


    Stops are locations where buses provide scheduled service.


    ApiKey (string) Your ApiKey received during registration


    StopNo (int) A five-digit stop number


    Lat (decimal) The latitude of your search (must be combined with long)
    Long (decimal) The longitude of your search (must be combined with lat)
    Radius (int) If present, will search a radius for stops (must be combined with lat and long). Default 500. Maximum 2000.
    RouteNo (string) If present, will search for stops specific to route

    Response Fields

    Stops The element containing the list of stops
    Stop The element containing the stop information
    StopNo The 5-digtal stop number
    Name The stop name
    BayNo The bay number, if applicable
    City The city in which the stop is located
    OnStreet The street name the stop is located on
    AtStreet The intersecting street of the stop
    Latitude The latitude of the stop
    Longitude The longitude of the stop
    WheelchairAccess Specifies wheelchair accessible stop. 1 indicates stop is wheelchair accessible
    Distance Distance away from the search location
    Routes The list of routes that the stop services

    Error Codes

    10001 Invalid API key
    10002 Database connection error
    1001 Invalid stop number
    1002 Stop number not found
    1003 Unknown stop check error
    1004 Unknown get stop error
    1011 Invalid latitude/longitude
    1012 No stops found
    1013 Unknown get stops error
    1014 Radius too large
    1015 Invalid route number


      - Returns stop details for stop 55612

      - Returns stops near latitude/longitude coordinates, radius is defaulted to 500 meters

      - Returns stops near latitude/longitude coordinates, radius is defaulted to 500 meters and filtered to only show stops serving route 590

      - Returns stops near latitude/longitude coordinates, radius is 500 meters

    Stop Estimates

    Gets the next bus estimates for a particular stop. Returns schedule data if estimates are not available.


    ApiKey (string) Your ApiKey received during registration


    StopNo (int) A five-digit stop number


    Count (int) The number of buses to return. Default 6
    TimeFrame (int) The search time frame in minutes. Default 120
    RouteNo (string) If present, will search for stops specific to route

    Response Fields

    NextBuses The element containing the list of next buses
    NextBus The element containing the next bus information
    RouteNo The bus route number
    RouteName The bus route name
    Direction The direction of the route at the specific stop
    RouteMap The element containing the route map information
    Href The location of the route map file in KMZ format
    Schedules The element containing the list of schedules
    Schedule The element containing the schedule information
    Pattern The pattern of the specific trip
    Destination The destination of the trip
    ExpectedLeaveTime The expected departure time of the trip at the specific stop
    ExpectedCountdown The expected departure time in minutes
    ScheduleStatus The status of the trip. * indicates scheduled time. - indicates delay. + indicates bus is running ahead of schedule
    CancelledTrip Indicates if trip is cancelled
    CancelledStop Indicates if stop is cancelled
    AddedTrip Indicates if trip is added
    AddedStop Indicates if stop is added
    LastUpdate The last updated time of the trip

    Error Codes

    10001 Invalid API key
    10002 Database connection error
    3001 Invalid stop number
    3002 Stop number not found
    3003 Unknown get estimates error
    3004 Invalid route
    3005 No stop estimates found
    3006 Invalid time frame
    3007 Invalid count


      - Returns the next 6 buses for each route to service the stop in the next 24 hours

      - Returns the next 3 buses for each route to service the stop in the next 2 hours meters

      - Returns the next 3 buses to service the stop in the next 2 hours for route 50

      - Returns the next 6 buses to service the stop in the next 24 hours for route 50


    Use the buses request to retrieve vehicle information of all or a filtered set of buses.


    ApiKey (string) Your ApiKey received during registration


    BusNo (int) A vehicle id


    StopNo (int) If present, will search for buses for stop id specified
    RouteNo (string) If present, will search for stops specific to route

    Response Fields

    Buses The element containing the list of buses
    Bus The element containing the bus information
    VehicleNo The vehicle number of the bus
    TripId The id of the trip the bus currently running
    RouteNo The route number of the vehicle
    Direction The direction of the trip
    Pattern The pattern of the trip
    Latitude The latitude of the vehicle location
    Longitude The longitude of the vehicle location
    RecordedTime The recorded time of the last location of the vehicle
    RouteMap The element containing the route map information
    Href The location of the route map file for the vehicle in KMZ format

    Error Codes

    10001 Invalid API key
    10002 Database connection error
    2001 Invalid bus number
    2002 Bus number not found
    2003 Unknown get bus error
    2011 No buses found
    2012 Unknown get buses by stop error
    2013 Unknown get buses by route error
    2014 Invalid stop number
    2015 Invalid route number
    2016 Stop number not found
    2017 Route number not found
    2018 Unknown get buses by stop and route error


      - Returns details for bus id 7196 if active, otherwise a 404 will be returned

      - Returns details for all active buses

      - Returns all active buses serving stop 53987

      - Returns all active buses serving stop 53987 and route 210

      - Returns all active buses serving route 99

      - Returns a 404 error, "Invalid route number specified. Please use a valid active route id."


    Routes are a sequenced pattern of service.


    ApiKey (string) Your ApiKey received during registration


    RouteNo (string) A bus route number


    StopNo (int) If present, will search for routes passing through this stop

    Response Fields

    Route The element containing the route information
    RouteNo The bus route number
    Name The name of the route
    OperatingCompany The operating company of the route
    Patterns The list of patterns for the route
    Pattern The element containing the pattern information
    PatternNo The pattern number
    Destination The destination of the pattern
    RouteMap The element containing the route map information
    Href The location of the route map file for the specific pattern
    Direction The direction of the pattern

    Error Codes

    10001 Invalid API key
    10002 Database connection error
    4002 Route number not found
    4003 Unknown get route error
    4004 Invalid route number
    4011 Invalid stop number
    4012 Stop number not found
    4013 Unknown error
    4014 No routes found


      - Returns details for route 351

      - Returns routes serving stop 55385


    Gets the bus location and real-time schedule information update status.


    ApiKey (string) Your ApiKey received during registration


    Service A service name. "Location" for bus location information, "schedule" for real-time schedule information, and "all" for both services.

    Response Fields

    Statuses The element containing the list of statuses
    Status The element containing the status information
    Name The name of the service ("Location" or "Schedule")
    Value The status of the service ("Online" or "Offline")

    Error Codes

    10001 Invalid API key
    10002 Database connection error
    5001 Invalid service name


      - Returns status of location and schedule updates

      - Returns status of location updates

      - Returns status of schedule updates